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Francesco Di Martino
Italy / 2020 / 78' / World premiere
Prima che arrivi l'estate
Francesco Di Martino
Italy / 2020 / 78' / World premiere

Italo lives in Saviore dell’Adamello, in Valcamonica. His life changed after an encounter with some groups of native Americans, welcomed as his guests: coming from afar, following different routes but with a profound bond, they come together in a new spiritual journey. The expectation of this encounter makes the passing of time into a journey, during which Italo slowly experiences the seasons following one another, enjoying every moment of the winter cold and awaiting the arrival of the summer and an Indian chief.

Language: Italian, English

Subtitles: Italian


Francesco Di Martino

A freelance photographer, in 2006 he worked with Malastrada Film. He focused extensively on migrants and trafficking, to then begin a trilogy on nature in 2015, producing the first of three films, Gleno dove finisce la Valle. In 2017 he presented Scampia Felix. In 2011 he founded the Frameoff collective, developing various film projects.


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