Lucas Millard, Kate Stryker
United States / 2020 / 81' / Italian premiere
Lucas Millard, Kate Stryker
United States / 2020 / 81' / Italian premiere

BAATO is an observational film that tells the story of a young village family on an annual migration along the route of a coming trans-national highway. Partially complete, the highway project will transform this roadless Himalayan valley permanently and open up a direct transport route between Nepal and China – bringing new challenges, new opportunities, and ultimately a new way of being to those who live along its path. A journey through the heart of a changing Nepal.

Language: Nepali, Lhomi, Naapa

Subtitles: Italian


Lucas Millard

An award-winning filmmaker and cinematographer, his work has aired on HBO, Showtime, Sundance Channel, BET, PBS, France5, and RSI. He teaches at Ramapo College, and works for the Beacon Film Society.

Kate Stryker

Interested in the intersection of people and their environments, she has directed two short documentary portraits and one feature film. She works as a research planner.


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