Cervino, la cresta del leone
Cervino, la cresta del leone
Hervé Barmasse, Alessandro Beltrame
Italy / 2021 / 34' / World premiere
Cervino, la cresta del leone
Hervé Barmasse, Alessandro Beltrame
Italy / 2021 / 34' / World premiere

The Matterhorn is one of the most beautiful mountains in the world, but also difficult to climb and thus one of the most coveted ascents in the Alps. Hervé Barmasse knows this well, and acting as an exceptional mountain guide and storyteller, accompanies us on the standard Italian route, the Lion Ridge, considered the star route in the Alps. In a roped party with Hervé, we retrace its conquest, find out about the leading figures involved and take on the toughest stretches to the 4478 metre high summit.

Language: Italian


Hervé Barmasse

A professional climber he is the director of the films LINEA CONTINUA, Audience Award at the Trento Film Festival in 2011 and NON COSÌ LONTANO, and author of the book La montagna dentro published by Laterza.

Alessandro Beltrame

With over two hundred national and international productions to his credit, he has made alpine documentaries and participated in the 28th Italian expedition to Antarctica.


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