Disturbed Earth
Disturbed Earth
Kumjana Novakova, Guillermo Carreras-Candi
Spain, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Macedonia / 2021 / 72' / Italian premiere
Disturbed Earth
Kumjana Novakova, Guillermo Carreras-Candi
Spain, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Macedonia / 2021 / 72' / Italian premiere

A space in silence, where the past has captured the present. Taking over, layer by layer, the collective pain enters the landscape, the space, the bodies. Eventually, it enters us. Srebrenica becomes a reality of today, and our own reality. DISTURBED EARTH is a cinematic reflection on the Srebrenica massacre and its echoes today, a homage to the resolute persistence of the human spirit and its capacity to endure the most horrifying circumstances.

Language: English, Bosnian

Subtitles: Italian


Kumjana Novakova

Born in Macedonia, Yugoslavia, she has worked in the field of film and audiovisual arts since 2006. She co-founded the Pravo Ljudski Film Festival in Sarajevo.

Guillermo Carreras-Candi

Creative executive and independent filmmaker living in Barcelona. He studied History and Sound before graduating at the Catalan film university (ESCAC-UB) where he specialised in Documentary Film.


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