Home: A Himalayan Portrait
Home: A Himalayan Portrait
Dr. Jane Dyson, Ross Harrison
India / 2022 / 8'
Home: A Himalayan Portrait
Dr. Jane Dyson, Ross Harrison
India / 2022 / 8'

In the twilight months before her inevitable arranged marriage, Munni contemplates her home in the Indian Himalayas. An intimate portrait of love and loyalty, and of simmering unease for what might lie ahead.

Subtitles: Italian


Dr. Jane Dyson

Human geographer, Jane Dyson began working in the village of Munni in 2003, now her second home. She has authored books and academic articles, and has produced radio documentaries. In collaboration with director Harrison Ross, she has directed the award-winning Home: a Himalayan portrait. She teaches at the University of Melbourne, Australia.

Ross Harrison

Independent British filmmaker specialized in documentaries dedicated to social justice and protection of the environment.
