Let The River Flow
Let The River Flow
Ole Giæver
Norway / 2023 / 118' / Italian premiere
Let The River Flow
Ole Giæver
Norway / 2023 / 118' / Italian premiere

During summer 1979, Ester moves to Alta in Northern Norway to begin teaching at an elementary school. Like many Sámi at the time, she is ashamed of her heritage and conceals her ethnicity. Ester goes to great lengths to fit in, even joining in with the derogatory jokes. When her cousin Mikkhal takes her to a camp by the Alta River where people are demonstrating against the building of a dam, Ester learns how the fight for the river is also a revolt against the years of brutal racism and discrimination against her people. After a major confrontation with the police, Mikkhal and some other Sámi decide to go to Oslo to go on a hunger strike in front of the Parliament. Knowing what is at stake, Ester realises it is time to make a stand…

Language: Norwegian, Sami

Subtitles: Italian


Ole Giæver

Ole Giæver (b. 1977) studied film at the Nordland Art- and Film College from 1999-2001, before moving on to the Konstfack Art Academy in Stockholm, graduating with a Bachelor of Fine Arts in 2005. He directed several short films before making his debut as a feature film director with THE MOUNTAIN in 2011. His next feature film OUT OF NATURE was presented at the Trento Film Festival in 2016.


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