Home Mountains 1
Home Mountains 1
Italy / 1928-1942 / 60'
Home Mountains 1
Italy / 1928-1942 / 60'

The Archivio Nazionale del Film di Famiglia, founded and managed in Bologna by the Fondazione Home Movies, was set up with the scope of saving and handing down a hidden and inaccessible audiovisual heritage. The unpublished private and personal audiovisual documentation gathered together in the archives represents an extensive and precious visual record of 20th century Italian history. This is being progressively made public and available through different projects and initiatives.
2023 was the hundredth anniversary of amateur movie-making, and the Home Movies Foundation is promoting a series of special events on the use of amateur film formats in Italy, from the earliest 9.5 mm and 16 mm formats, to 8 mm and Super8: an artistic and cultural heritage whose importance is increasingly recognised.
The history of mountain film is linked to home movies. It was indeed the arrival of easily transportable amateur cameras that made the documentation of ascents and hikes more democratic in the period after World War II. Previously this had required heavy and cumbersome equipment or had been reserved for the wealthiest amateur filmmakers, due to the high costs involved.
The first editions of the Festival, from the inaugural event in 1952, were also largely dedicated to presentation of examples of amateur “alpine cinematography”, laying claim to the same attention as professional productions.
To mark this centenary, in the context of the Home Movies 100 special project by the Archivio Nazionale del Film di Famiglia, supported by the Ministry of Culture Film and Audiovisual General Directorate and the Emilia Romagna Region - Emilia Romagna Film Commission, Trento Film Festival is presenting two film programmes documenting expeditions, adventures, journeys and trips to the mountains, conserved by the organisation in Bologna, for a trip down memory lane, exploring the history of amateur film in the mountains from the 1920s to the 1960s.

Screening with live musical accompaniment by Sebastiano Martinelli and Michael Pancher, already performing with the Kuru and Electric Kuru projects, who present a set for tapes, percussion and woodwinds.

Language: Without dialogue
