Rift Finfinnee
Rift Finfinnee
Daniel Kötter
Germany / 2020 / 80'
Rift Finfinnee
Daniel Kötter
Germany / 2020 / 80'

The film takes the viewer on a journey through the periphery of Ethiopian capital Addis Ababa. In strictly composed images and a soundtrack that interweaves the original conversations in a complex way, the film takes the concrete geography, architecture and the everyday life of individual agricultural and construction workers in the east of Addis Ababa (in Oromo: Finfinnee) as the starting point for an allegorical narrative about the becoming urban of African societies on the edge of civil war.

Language: Amharic, Oromo

Subtitles: Italian


Daniel Kötter

Daniel Kötter is an international filmmaker and music theater director. His works alternate between different media and institutional contexts and combine experimental film techniques with performative and documentary elements.


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