Useful information for publishers

MontagnaLibri, a unique exhibition and fair
The inclusion of new publications at the fair represents an excellent opportunity for publishers and authors to gain visibility, both with a specialist audience of enthusiasts and insiders and with a broader, more general public. Indeed, MontagnaLibri is a tradition dating back over 30 years, with each edition being visited by more than 10,000 people at the main event in Trento alone. Furthermore, it is always situated at busy strategic locations and offers free admission.
The publisher’s commitment is minimal, as it is only necessary to send two copies of each book registered.
How and when to register
Each year, publishers and authors with recent publications on the subject of the mountains, exploration, adventure and mountain cultures, and therefore in line with the Festival’s theme, can register their books by completing the entry form available at the website Registration is open each year from September to January for books published in the year underway when registration is opened, and from September to March for books published in the year underway when registration closes. Registration is free of charge and may be carried out by the publisher or the author.
Sending of copies for display and sale
To participate at the fair, it is necessary to send two copies of each publication registered to the offices of Trento Film Festival, after having read the regulations and completed the entry form. The copies sent to the organisation are destined exclusively for display purposes and consultation by visitors.
Copies for sale should not be sent to the organisers. The local bookshops managing the exhibition space bookshop receive a list of all publications registering for the exhibition from the organisation and obtain their supplies through distributors based on this. If an author or independent publisher wishes to supply copies directly, on a sale or return basis, they can ask for information about who to contact by writing to