About the event

From Petrarch to Erri De Luca, Dino Buzzati and Mauro Corona, “recounting” the mountains with words is an art that is even older than depicting them with images.
First organised in 1987 and held annually, MontagnaLibri is an international showcase for mountain publishing. Each year, all the publications entered are presented in a large hall specially set up in the historic centre of Trento, in conjunction with the Film Festival. It is a unique event, offering enthusiasts the chance to explore all the latest publications issued in the last 15 months linked to mountain themes, exploration, adventure, mountain cultures, climate change and nature, by freely browsing and consulting the copies on display.
Once the curtain comes down on the spring edition of Trento Film Festival, MontagnaLibri is transformed into a travelling exhibition: in June it moves to Bolzano and in November it stops off at Brig, in Switzerland.
A specialist mountain bookshop
Thanks to longstanding cooperation with local booksellers, MontagnaLibri also offers a bookshop specialising in mountain literature. Always up-to-date and well-stocked, it is a point of reference for those wishing to purchase the latest publications and series dedicated to the world of the mountains.
“The joy of reading”: meetings with authors
MontagnaLibri offers a wide range of events with authors at each edition of Trento Film Festival. One area of the exhibition hall is indeed set aside for a lively literary salon, offering unique opportunities to meet leading contemporary figures in the current literary scene. Guests at more recent editions have included figures, authors and climbers such as Mauro Corona, Erri De Luca, Kurt Diemberger, Reinhold Messner, Dacia Maraini, Susanna Tamaro, Margherita Hack, Siba Shakib, Joe Simpson, Claudio Sabelli Fioretti, Michael Palin, Enrico Brizzi, Marco Albino Ferrari, Syusy Blady and Patrizio Roversi, Mario Tozzi, Tony Wheeler, Andy Holzer and Maria Pia Veladiano.