Clorophilla’s sense of the mountains: a feminine perspective for the 72nd Trento Film Festival poster

Published 16/02/2024

The poster for the 2024 edition of Trento Film Festival, scheduled in Trento from 26 April to 5 May, carries the signature of Ludovica Basso, known as Clorophilla.
President Leveghi: «It is a tribute to the mountains as a mother figure, who nourishes and supports us and must thus be cared for and respected».

After three years marked by the work of artists representing the history of Italian illustration – Gianluigi Toccafondo, Milo Manara, and Lorenzo Mattotti – Trento Film Festival has radically changed its perspective, faithful to its by now longstanding tradition of innovation. Indeed, the poster for the 72nd edition, to be held in Trento from 26 April to 5 May 2024, bears the signature of the young illustrator Ludovica Basso, known as Clorophilla. Born in 1986, Clorophilla is a versatile artist from Liguria who draws her inspiration from her travels and contact with nature, going for long walks and carefully observing the details of the surrounding environment. She is a freelance illustrator who works with important Italian and international brands and companies, in fields ranging from the world of design to fashion and tourism. Her imaginary world is populated by mythological women, magical animals, goddesses, mermaids and falling stars; a world where reality and fantasy come together.

«With this design I have tried to convey the feelings generated in me by the mountains: peace, calm and serenity. An environment with a delicate equilibrium, that should be contemplated and respected. For this reason, I chose an image that presents itself by inviting contemplation of nature, meditation, and inner silence. The mountains are represented as a woman, a creative force from which everything is born and to which everything is connected, a living entity that welcomes and protects us”, recounts Ludovica, describing the creative origin of the poster created for the Festival.

“Trento Film Festival Trento Film Festival does not have a specific theme characterising each edition, instead offering space for all the themes the mountains inspire or suggest; or rather, for everything that men and women see in the mountains of the world, or the feelings projected onto them”, recalls Mauro Leveghi, President of Trento Film Festival. “The Festival is characterised each year by an illustration representing a ‘manifesto’, in terms of both the abstract concept and the programme. Each year is different, recounting one of the many Festival narratives. The poster for this edition is intended as a tribute to the mountains as a mother figure: one could almost see a reference to ‘our sister, Mother Earth’ from the Canticle of the Creatures written by St. Francis of Assisi, whose 800th anniversary will be celebrated in 2025. She is a sister who feeds and supports us, and who must thus be cared for and respected. It is the age-old lesson of mountain agriculture, so deeply rooted in the alpine environment it has almost become one with it, moulding its contours while adapting to its inevitable limitations.”

Luana Bisesti, director of the Festival, added: “The posters for the previous three editions have symbolically closed a cycle of great names in the history of Italian illustration. With the poster created by Clorophilla, the Festival opens up to talented emerging artists, who have gained an important place in recent years also thanks to new digital communication tools. This role as a bond between generations, artistic forms, languages and forms of communication is one of the aspects of Trento Film Festival that has characterised its growth. This year we have chosen to adopt a feminine perspective, to enrich the plurality of vision which is the hallmark of a festival that has continued to renew itself for seventy-two years.”

To conclude, the dates for the Bolzano edition were revealed, confirming the appointment in spring from 3 to 8 June, thanks to cooperation with the Province and Municipality of Bolzano.

72. Trento Film Festival - Manifesto