Trento Film Festival: the “second half” kicks off!

Published 25/05/2021
MontagnaLibri is back, animating Piazza Duomo from 9 to 13 June.
Lots of special events in different places around the city: the Teatro Sociale hosts a performance exploring the world of Dante with journalist Aldo Cazzullo and rock star Piero Pelù, the reflections of the founder of Slow Food, Carlo Petrini and celebration of the 100th anniversary of SOSAT.
The 2021 edition of Trento Film Festival will be an event made up of several parts, still conditioned by the pandemic but marked by progressive relaxation of the restrictions: after the first half, which gave audiences a taste of the magic of film on the big screen from 30 April to 9 May, everything is ready for “showing” of the… second half. From 9 to 13 June, the city of Trento will once again focus on the culture of the mountains, with the eagerly awaited return of MontagnaLibri, which for the occasion moves from its traditional location in Piazza Fiera to the pavilion set up in Piazza Duomo, and with a series of special events that will finally be able to welcome the public. MontagnaLibri – the international mountain publishing fair – will be open every day from 9 to 13 June from 10 am to 9 pm, with special late night opening until 11 pm on Friday 11 June, for the ‘Ganzega dei Ciusi e Gobj’ event in Contrada Larga, offering a preview of the 2021 Feste Vigiliane.
The events and meetings
On Wednesday 9 June, the “second half” of the 69th edition of Trento Film Festival officially opens at 11.30 am at Palazzo Roccabruna with inauguration of the exhibition Rock the Mountain! The mountains in pop music iconography, a journey exploring the history of music through the covers of famous albums referring to the mountains. The curators of the exhibition, Daniela Berta, Director of the Museo Nazionale della Montagna, and Paolo Ferrari, journalist and music critic, will be present.
At 6 pm there will be an event closely linked to the mountaineering history of the city: a ceremony marking the 50th anniversary of the unfortunate and heroic “City of Trento – 1971. Cordillera Blanca – Peruvian Andes” mountaineering expedition. Half a century later, we pay tribute to the unforgettable mountaineers Bepi Loss and Carlo Marchiodi and to the valour of their companions in the expedition, recalling a historic event that has remained in the hearts of the Trentino people. The ceremony will take place in the MontagnaLibri pavilion in Piazza Duomo.
In the evening it is back to the cinema with Nexo Digital’s Paolo Cognetti. Sogni di Grande Nord by Dario Acocella. The film competed at Trento Film Festival and follows the writer, winner of the Strega book prize, on a journey from the Alps to Alaska, accompanied by his friend Nicola Magrin, on the trail of his literary idols. Screenings at the Multisala Modena cinema from 6 pm to 9 pm.
On Thursday 10 June at 11 am, the participants at the Trentino and Alto Adige Conference of Youth on Climate Change will meet again in Palazzo Roccabruna, a month after the Conference, to present policy recommendations directed at different players in the local area. The event is promoted by the Provincial Forum on Climate Change in the context of the project All4ClimateItaly2021, in collaboration with Redo Upcycling.
At 6 pm, the MontagnaLibri meetings area in Piazza Duomo will host For a caring society. Rights, resources and the environment. As part of the event “The wind is still blowing. Thirty years of commitment for sustainable peace”, organised by the Trentino Forum for Peace and Human Rights on the occasion of its 30th anniversary, Roberto Barbiero, coordinator of the provincial climate change coordination and action committee, Mariarosa Iannelli, president of the Water Grabbing Observatory, and Monica Di Sisto, vice-president of Fairwatch and promoter of the “For a caring society” Manifesto, will discuss the question of caring and defending all forms of life, from the environment to the dignity and rights of communities and every individual. The debate will be chaired by Paulo Lima, educational communicator and promoter of the Youth Press Agency.
At 9.00 pm at the Teatro Sociale there will be the eagerly awaited evening event A riveder le stelle, Aldo Cazzullo’s show directed by Angelo Generali, with the rock star Piero Pelù as special guest. Aldo Cazzullo will take the audience on a journey discovering Dante, the poet who invented Italy, by reconstructing the poet’s experience in the Inferno described in the Divine Comedy; the most famous encounters, the great and the damned, forays into history and current affairs and an incredible journey through Italy from north to south. It is a work that represents the foundation of our national identity. He will be accompanied on stage by a special guest, the authentically Florentine Piero Pelù, who will interpret the Divine Comedy from a “rock” perspective.
At 9 pm at the Multisala Modena cinema there will be screening of Climbing Iran by Francesca Borghetti, (Italy/2020/54′), Rotari Audience Award for the Best Mountaineering Film: a film – supported by the Trentino Film Commission – that tells the personal story of Iranian climber Nasim Eshqi, a guest at Trento Film Festival in 2018.
At MontagnaLibri at 11.30 am on Friday 11 June there will be presentation of the book Donne di terre estreme by Caterina Borgato (Montura Editing): a journey using texts and images to get to know extraordinary women in Mongolia, Yemen and the Afar Triangle. The stories and colours of these figures will also feature in the exhibition of the same name on display in Piazza Duomo during the Festival.
6 pm sees the return of the SAT Prize, awarded annually to those who have distinguished themselves over time in terms of academic output, mountaineering and social commitment. The award ceremony will be held at the SAT headquarters in Via Giannantonio Manci 57, Trento.
At 6.30 pm at the Teatro Sociale, in a discussion with Alberto Faustini, Carlo Petrini, founder of Slow Food and creator of the international network Terra Madre, will present TerraFutura. Dialoghi con Papa Francesco sull’ecologia integrale (Giunti – Slow Food Editore). The book represents another radical step towards integral ecology and opens with three dialogues between Pope Francis and Carlo Petrini. What stands out in the friendly and frank atmosphere of the three meetings is an awareness of the seriousness of the situation, together with shared values and confidence in terms of everyday and community commitment, because as Pope Francis maintains, there is no ecology without justice, nor is there care for the environment if relations between human beings are damaged by exaggerated economic and cultural imbalance.
In the evening at 9 pm, at the Multisala Modena cinema, there will be a new screening of La casa rossa by Francesco Catarinolo (Italy, Greenland/2020/82′), premiered at the Trento Film Festival and winner of the Audience Award for Best Feature Film – DAO Conad, the Lizard Award – Travel and Adventure and the Cassa Di Trento Solidarity Award.
On Saturday 12 June, the events start at 11 am in the morning at MontagnaLibri, with presentation of the book Dalla baita al ciliegio. La montagna nella narrativa di Mario Rigoni Stern by Sara Luchetta. Lorenzo Carpanè talks to the author and Giuseppe Mendicino, biographer of the writer from Asiago, in order to explore the world of Mario Rigoni Stern and the mountains experienced, recounted and portrayed in his works. The meeting is organised in collaboration with ITAS Mutua.
At 6 pm there will be another literary encounter in the context of Emozioni tra le pagine, with presentation of Un estate in alpeggio, by Annibale Salsa (Ponte alle Grazie/CAI), who will talk to Marco Albino Ferrari – the latest winner of the ITAS Mountain Book Award – about ancient transhumance rituals, the beauty and hard work of mountain pastures, the essence of the forests and nature, and the world of the mountains in terms of work and animals. The meeting is jointly organised by CAI – Club alpino italiano.
An event of great significance for the world of climbing and the mountains will take place at 9 pm at the Teatro Sociale: A passion for the mountains. 100 years of the SOSAT will pay tribute to an association whose history has intertwined with that of Trentino society during the 20th century and up to the present day. This year, SOSAT, the workers’ branch of Trento’s mountaineering club, celebrates the 100th anniversary of its foundation.
On Sunday 13 June, the last day of this “second half” of the 69th edition of Trento Film Festival, there will be time for two appointments.
At 6 pm the Festival and the city of Trento will recall Cesare Maestri, just a few months after his death, with an open-air theatre performance in the Duca d’Aosta Gardens (entrance at Via Giacomo Matteotti, 18), in the district where the great mountaineer spent his youth. Duemila metri della nostra vita is an emotional recital with actors Chiara Turrini and Mario Cagol, accompanied by the notes of Michelangelo Felicetti’s accordion, to recall the unforgettable “Spider of the Dolomites”.
At 11 am there will be the last literary appointment with Emozioni tra le pagine, with presentation of the book L’Africa secondo me by Rosario Sala, who will talk to Gabriele Biancardi, recounting her solo motorbike journey-adventure from Cape Town to Trento, crossing the whole of western Africa and covering a total distance of 22,000 km. The proceeds of book sales will be destined for an Emergency project in Iraq.
All the events are free (with the exception of “A riveder le stelle”, for which tickets can be purchased on the website PrimiallaPrima), have limited places available and must be booked via the dedicated page at the website .