Submissions are now open for the 73rd Trento Film Festival and for MontagnaLibri

Published 11/09/2024

The 2025 edition of Trento Film Festival will take place from 25 April to 4 May. The deadline for submitting works produced in 2023 and 2024 is 10 January 2025, whereas for works produced in 2025 the deadline is 10 February. As always, the spotlight will also be on publishing, with the 39th edition of MontagnaLibri.

Each year over a hundred films are selected for the programme of Trento Film Festival, the mountain film and culture festival that has brought the best of international film focusing on the highest lands on the planet, adventure, exploration and the complex relationship between man and the environment to Trento since 1952. However, over seven hundred films apply each year, giving the selection committee the task of identifying those destined to animate a festival that will celebrate its 73rd birthday in 2025, making it the longest-running film festival in Europe after the Venice and Berlin International Film Festivals.

Submissions for the 73rd edition of Trento Film Festival (26 April – 5 May 2024) opened on Monday 9 September. The deadline for submitting works produced in 2023 and 2024 is 10 January 2025, whereas for works produced in 2025 the deadline is 10 February. As usual, it is possible to submit films that: make a contribution to increasing knowledge and protecting the mountains and tablelands, highlighting their symbolic value and depicting related human, historic and social aspects; portray the most significant cultural and technical aspects and human adventure involved in mountaineering; promote environmental protection and sustainable development in the mountains; extend and promote knowledge of geographical areas, peoples and cultures; illustrate mountain sports, including modern evolution of various disciplines.

Submissions are also open for the 39th edition of “MontagnaLibri”, the annual international showcase for publishing on the subject, where it is possible to present all the most recent publications dedicated to the mountains, exploration, adventure, care for the environment and mountain cultures in general. The books proposed must have been published in 2024 or the first three months of 2025. There are two deadlines for submitting works: 31 January 2025 for books published in 2024 and 31 March 1925 for books published between January and March 2025.

Film and book submissions for the 2025 edition