18:30 Cinema Astra di Firenze - Firenze
Cinema Astra di Firenze Piazza Cesare Beccaria, 9 - Firenze
Madaleine Sorkin undertakes an intimate and creative journey to climb the most difficult rock climb above 13,500 feet in the world: the Dunn-Westbay Direct on Longs Peak, in Colorado.
21:00 Cinema Astra di Firenze - Firenze
Cinema Astra di Firenze Piazza Cesare Beccaria, 9 - Firenze
Madaleine Sorkin undertakes an intimate and creative journey to climb the most difficult rock climb above 13,500 feet in the world: the Dunn-Westbay Direct on Longs Peak, in Colorado.
21:00 Sala Emmaus, Patronato Pio X - Cittadella
Sala Emmaus, Patronato Pio X Via Borgo Treviso 78 - Cittadella
The mountain calls. How much longer? After years of mass tourism in the alps, a rethinking is slowly taking place.
20:30 Cinema Teatro San Pietro - Mezzolombardo
Cinema Teatro San Pietro Piazza Pio XII 14 - Mezzolombardo
Close to the border between the provinces of Trento and Bolzano, a few farmers have put into practice a collaborative experience with great socio-cultural significance.
21:00 Cinemazero - Pordenone
Cinemazero Via Maestri del Lavoro, 3 - Pordenone
Maurice Baquet was a musician, a stage performer, a film actor, a mountaineer and a skier. From Paris to Chamonix, from theater stages to granite slabs and snowy slopes, we follow his adventures.
20:45 Auditorium della Scuola Media "Scipio Sighele" - Riva del Garda
Auditorium della Scuola Media "Scipio Sighele" Piazza Maria Contini, 8 (TN) - Riva del Garda
Caro North and Marta Guemes sail with an all-female team from France through the rough Arctic sea to Greenland, where the climbers would try to attempt the first ascent of a Big Wall.
20:45 Auditorium della Scuola Media "Scipio Sighele" - Riva del Garda
Auditorium della Scuola Media "Scipio Sighele" Piazza Maria Contini, 8 (TN) - Riva del Garda
Erri De Luca talks about his old age, the need for training and for maintaining his body, an age he claims is the best of his life. But it's not a walk in the park, it's an uphill climb.
20:45 Cinema Teatro Nuovo - Varese
Cinema Teatro Nuovo Viale dei Mille, 39 - Varese
A collective work that reconstruct an historical era in the area between Ossola and Vallese. The events took place starting from the end of the 18th century and came to an end in the early 1970s.
c/o Centro Santa Chiara
Via S.Croce, 67 38122 Trento - Italy
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