Guido Guerrasio
Italy / 1957 / 25'
Guido Guerrasio
Italy / 1957 / 25'

"La grande muraglia" è la cresta dentellata, fratturata, irta di cime da vertigine a picco su valli sprofondate nella foschia, che da Chateaux des Dames, nella conca del Breuil, va al Monte Rosa attraverso il Cervino. In venticinque giorni una spedizione d'alpisti, con Slodà, Compagnoni, Pèllissier ed altri, l'ha percorsa da un capo all'altro:sempre sul filo dell'abisso, in un'altalena eccitante e fantastica di rocce e nevai. Il film documenta l'impresa, le difficoltà, i bivacchi, le cordate sui ghiacciai declivi, l'omaggio alla croce di Carrel, il primo scalatore del Cervino.


Guido Guerrasio

Guido Guerrasio (Milan, 9 July 1920 - 3 May 2015) was an Italian director, screenwriter, editor and writer.

Guerrasio has devoted himself almost exclusively to the -world movie- genre born in Italy in the early sixties.

In 1948 he made his first film "Amalfi". Subsequently he filmed other semi-unknown films with the exception of "Il Piave mormorò", his first realistic documentary, which takes into consideration the war events linked to the Piave river.

In 1969 Guerrasio contributed to the editing of "Africa segreta" by the brothers Angelo and Alfredo Castiglioni and in 1971 he collaborated, again in the editing, to the realization of "Africa ama" by the same directors, a film that achieved considerable success.
His last film was "Italy in pajamas", which tells of the vices of the Italians.
He was also assistant director of the 1974 film "Naked Africa, Violent Africa".

Parallel to cinema, he has also dedicated himself to literary activity, ranging from film and literary criticism to poetry.
