The mountains, the kingdom of rarefied oxygen, are one of the few places on earth where man cannot live, even with the help of science and technology. To conquer it, that is to survive, the climber has only one possibility: to spend as little time as possible there and start the descent at once. This journey in a forbidden world, where strong winds blow and the symptons of asphyxy and fatigue conjure up strange images in the mind, is shown in the recent expedition by Pierre Beghin and Jean-Cristophe Lafaille to the south wall of Annapurna. The attempt was abruptly interrupted at 7500 metres on 11 October last, following the fatal fall of Pierre Beghin and Jean-Cristophe Lafaille' s dramatic return to Base Camp. The film is therefore dedicated to all the Himalaya alpinists and in particular to the two member of this expedition.