Between the 1876 and 1889, the very famous Norwegian playwright and poet Henrik Ibsen spent his summer vacations in Gossenass which in those times was, together with Merano, the most renown health and holiday resort in Tyrol. During his last stay, in 1889, Ibsen met the then twenty-seven years old Emilie Bardach from Vienna. Based on the research conducted by the literature historian Maria Brunner and on that by the scholar of local history Günther Ennemoser, as well as on the consultation of Emilie’s diary, the movie tells the story of the weeks in which the relationship developed between the young Austrian girl and the by then elderly poet
Wolfgang Rebernik
Born in Graz in 1968, Wolfgang Rebernik studied at Zelig film school in Bolzano, Italy. He works as a cameraman, editor and director, living in Innsbruck, Vienna and New Delhi. As a cameraman and editor he worked in various television and documentary films, such as Die Lehren von Feuer und Eis (2007), Julia/Wozu Familie (2006), Antarctica (2005), Base Jump Mamet Cave (2004). He directed Tara (2006) and An die Mai Sonne eines September Lebens/Henrik Ibsen in Gossensass (Documentary, 1997).