In 1997 the Trentino sportsman, Maurizio Belli, travelled 110 kilometres on skis and pulling a sledge from Manley Hot Springs o Nome. The film combines scenes shot by Maurizio himself and footage made at the time of the mythical "Gold Rush". Maurizio was inspired by the story of his grandfather, who was a gold digger in the Great North, and in particular by the discovery of historical material concerning the Trentino pioners who emigrated to Yukon in Alaska. The documentary is a story of exploration and adventure, narrated in the diary written by the brothers Silviio and Clemente Boldrini who emigrated from the Giudicarie Valleys, and relived by Maurizio Belli a hundred years later. When Klondike ran out of gold nuggets, the diggers set off towards Bering Sea and the Nome District and their extraordinary adventures were reported in the newspapers. Maurizio's adventure follows this hard and exhausting journey along the course of the Yukon river, in the land of the mountains of the Nulato Hills and on the sea of the Eskimos, in a hostile and wild enviroment without any aid and with great determiation and ability.