LA MONTAGNA LUCENTE  (Gasherbrum - Der leuchtende Berg)
Serata alpinistica

LA MONTAGNA LUCENTE (Gasherbrum - Der leuchtende Berg)

Made in 1984 by Werner Herzog, “Gasherbrum - The Dark Glow of the Mountains”, documents one of Reinhold Messner and Hans Kammerlander’s great feats: the alpine-style crossing of the two 8000-metre peaks Gasherbrum I and II, without oxygen, without returning to base camp and without any possibility of being rescued; an epic feat never before achieved. Forty years later, Enervit – which participated in the expedition as technical and scientific sponsor - in cooperation with VIGGO Srl, Werner Herzog Film GmbH and Reinhold Messner, has restored the Italian edition supervised by Messner, miraculously rediscovered, allowing us to relive the excitement of witnessing an exceptional and unique feat, in the words of one of those involved.

  • Enervit – sponsor tecnico e scientifico della spedizione – in collaborazione con VIGGO, Werner Herzog Film e Reinhold Messner ha restaurato l’edizione italiana del film curata da Reinhold Messner. Enervit
  • Edited by Enervit