

Who are they? What do they talk about exactly? What does “doing a mountain podcast” mean”?

Who are they? What do they really talk about? What is to "make a mountain podcast"? For the first time, the Trento Festival hosts the biggest protagonists of the Italian scene in this successfully and brand-new way of spreading mountain culture: Ragni di Lecco, Brocchi sui Blocchi, Climbing Radio, Andata e Ritorno, Vertigini, the sound producer of oSuonoMio, with the moderation of libridimontagna – this is how the audience knows them: by their nicknames. Special guest: Enrico Brizzi, president of the jury of the ITAS award. A great premiere in which the protagonists will step out of the muffled quiet of the recording rooms to be on stage to tell and explain the great work behind the podcasts: we’ll talk about contents (from mountaineering to mountain therapy; from interviews with champions to mayors of remote valleys), production, programming, and promotion. An exciting, not to be missed meeting, an insight to understand the making of those voices who accompany us on a journey to a cliff or to work, in the morning subway, while organizing the house or the garage, or while doing sports.