Light and Fast
Serata alpinistica

Light and Fast

My path as an alpinist took me from the analogue 1970’s to the fast paced life of the new millennium, from rural countryside to brutal Patagonian storms, endless Himalayan expanses, Karakoram granite spires soaring into the sky, Greenland horizons, Indian monsoons, vertical big walls of Yosemite, and the beautiful Julian Alps.
I was a member of the rock and roll generation that brought energy and rhythm onto mountain faces. Commitment, boldness, enthusiasm, and an honest friendship produced the Three Musketeers: Franček Knez, Janez Jeglič, and Silvo Karo. The big walls of Fitz Roy, Cerro Torre, Torre Egger, and Bhagirathi were the milestones of my career, which included Himalayan giants as well as 8a sport climbing. I followed the trends of cutting edge alpinism, resulting in a strong affinity for light and fast climbing.

02/05/2024 21:00
Sala della Filarmonica
Via Giuseppe Verdi, 30