Between Earth & Sky
Between Earth & Sky
Andrew Nadkarni
United States / 2023 / 25'
Between Earth & Sky
Andrew Nadkarni
United States / 2023 / 25'

Nalini Nadkarni is a world-renowned ecologist who climbs trees in the rainforest canopy to study “what grows back” after an ecological disturbance. In 2015, her rope snapped on a research climb, and she fell fifty feet from a tree and nearly died. After making a miraculous recovery, Nalini begins to explore a new research subject - herself. BETWEEN EARTH & SKY follows Nalini as she prepares for another research climb in Monteverde, Costa Rica, before considering retirement from the field.

Language: English, Spanish

Subtitles: Italian


Andrew Nadkarni

Andrew Nadkarni is a queer multiracial filmmaker based in Brooklyn, NY. He aims to integrate sustainable community care, and trauma-informed practices into his filmmaking process, telling generational stories about diaspora communities. His directorial debut, BETWEEN EARTH & SKY, won Best Short at Big Sky Doc Film Fest. He recently produced the narrative feature, ACTUAL PEOPLE, now streaming on MUBI.
