ENIGMA is an adventure with friends, developing out of Nicola Tondini’s idea, a dream ardently desired but left in abeyance for many years. The idea of attempting a new route was shared with Alessandro Baù and Alessandro Beber. For the dream to take shape, there was an element missing: the first free ascent. The perfect window arrived on 24 and 25 June 2023, the three returned to the rockface and opened the route “One Push,” alternating with each other over the 28 pitches of a ten-year puzzle finally solved.
Language: Italian
Alessandro D'Emilia
A director and photographer specialising in outdoor adventure film, often in remote areas of the world to which few have access. Using advanced technology to recount great stories, he documents projects with a strong accent on sensitivity to the environment. Founder of ADV Production and MountainFilmCrew.
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