For a whole year, the documentary follows the exciting feat of three well-known mountaineers, assisted by a young aspiring climber, on the south wall of the Marmolada, the legendary "Queen of the Dolomites”. Matteo della Bordella, Maurizio Giordani, Massimo Faletti and Iris Bielli come together to open a new route, challenging their limitations and the dangers of a mountain that came into the limelight in the debate on climate change after the tragic loss of life on 3 July 2022. The film explores an all-absorbing passion and environmental awareness, offering a fascinating insight into the world of mountaineering and the importance of protecting and preserving our mountain ecosystems, hoping to inspire greater awareness and a commitment to conserving the natural world that surrounds us.
Language: Italian
Subtitles: English
Matteo Maggi
Matteo Maggi and Cristiana Pecci are an award-winning author and director duo who have worked together for over a decade to create audiovisual content at world level. While Cristiana has directed her interest towards creative and arthouse documentary, Matteo has specialised in action sports film.Nel 2008 si e' trasferito in FInlandia dove ormai vive e lavora come regista da 3 anni e mezzo.
Cristiana Pecci
Matteo Maggi and Cristiana Pecci are an award-winning author and director duo who have worked together for over a decade to create audiovisual content at world level. While Cristiana has directed her interest towards creative and arthouse documentary, Matteo has specialised in action sports film.
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