In 1996, filmmaker Matt Dickinson successfully summited Mount Everest during one of his most tragic weeks, while filming one of his movies in the Himalayas. Twenty-seven years later, Dickinson returns to Nepal accompanied by his son Daniel, aiming to cross the Khumbu region and reaching Everest Base Camp. During the journey, they meet various characters who provide diverse perspectives on the mountain.
Language: English
Subtitles: Italian
Daniel Dickinson
Daniel Dickinson and Marc Sánchez are the directors, screenwriters, and producers of SUMMIT PRICE. They graduated in Audiovisual Communication and are co-founders of Explore Films.
Marc Sánchez
Daniel Dickinson and Marc Sánchez are the directors, screenwriters, and producers of SUMMIT PRICE. They graduated in Audiovisual Communication and are co-founders of Explore Films.
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